Welcome to Norton Canes Community Library & Information Hub
(Tel: 01543 279592)
Click on the main heading buttons above for general information, then click on any drop down buttons for further information.
Norton Canes Library operates a ''Place of Welcome'' offering free tea/coffee and more on Saturday mornings, everyone is welcome, click on the ''fancy a free cuppa'' button above for more information.
Click here for current Library Opening Hours
click here to go to our up to date facebook group
To access the full range of Staffordshire Libraries online services, including online renewals, online book reservations, or for overall information on the whole of the Staffordshire Libraries network, please visit the main Staffordshire County Council Library Services website via the following link:
Libraries and arts - Staffordshire County Council
Do you have any spare time ?, could you spare us a few hours ? would you like to help out at the library ?, Click on the volunteer button above for more information
The idea of our local information website is to provide our local community with all the latest information about your Community Library such as: latest opening hours, active groups and other services offered at Norton Canes Library and we also aim to provide links to other community sites , local events, news etc. in and around the local area, ** So please sign up for our email alerts**
Norton Canes Community Library is a Community managed Library, managed and operated by local volunteers, in conjunction Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Like our new community information website, help us get known, use the share button above to post us on your social media, or share the following link with your friends, thank you: www.nortoncanescommunitylibrary.co.uk